Thursday, 20 September 2012

Cosmos talks from the 4th dimension on
The Value of Rest for the Body

A good nights sleep is very important to discharge the bad energies and static electricity that your body accumulates during the day.
To have complete rest during your sleep time it is important that the bedroom is calm and peaceful.

You achieve this by NOT having any electrical equipment in your bedroom. Televisions, Stereo’s, Radio’s or electric Clocks. As previously mentioned the walls and ceiling are constantly emitting electrical energy and so too will the television etc.
If you must have a radio by your bedside make it a battery operated one. The same with a clock.
Mirrors should not be in the bedroom as they reflect the bad energies back onto you while you are sleeping. If you must have a mirror in your bedroom it would be wise to cover it when you retire for the night.
Fatigue in the body produces bad acids and bad hormones that not only affect the body, but also the brain which is one of the great contributors of depression that is not recognized or understood.

A major part of living is to have a regular routine so that your body clock is set in a rhythm.
The body then knows that it is going to have a chance to rest and to discharge the bad wastes of the tissues. Similarly your mind needs to rest.

Along with this is the necessity to drink 10 - 12 good sized glasses of water per day.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Quartz Crystals

Carrying on from Cosmo talks on static electricity.

Again there are a myriad of books written about Crystals and their healing abilities, so my focus is on the practical side of the uses of crystals around the home or office.
 I have quite a collection of crystals, however I use special quartz crystals in various sizes to dissipate the electrical energies that come off all the electrical appliances I use in my home.
As seen above I have a bowl of quartz crystals next to my television set for the purpose of blocking the static electricity that comes  from it and stops it being absorbed by my body. I also have them scattered over my computer desk, beside the desk lamps, bedside lamps and telephones. Particularly where I have multi-boxes and wires.
These crystals do need to be cleansed whenever you think of it perhaps every 3 or 4 months by taking them to the sea and putting them in the water for about 10 minutes. This is the best place for cleansing them of the bad energies they have soaked up and replenishes them with the good energies from the sea. If you are not able to get to the sea, a bowl of water with sea salt added will also do it for you until you can get them to the sea.
I would recommend this to those working in offices with computers all day. The benefit to the body is that the body is not being overloaded with static electricity which then leads to all sorts of weird illnesses.
Continue to stand on the grass with bare feet to remove the energies you pick up when you are out and about. Understand you must play your part in it and not expect the crystals to do all the work for you. They can't and won't.
If you are not able to stand because you could be in a wheelchair your could hold onto a hand full of leaves of a strong plant, shrub or tree which will absorb the energies from the energy centres in your hands. Do not use fragile plants as your plants may wilt and die.
This is the reason that gardening without gloves and using natural handled tools not plastic is such a good activity. By getting your hands in the dirt you are releasing static energies from your body and receiving the good energies from mother earth in return.






Cosmo talks from the 4th dimension on Static Electricity

As mentioned in a previous post in Wairua Rangatira the HUMAN BODY naturally contains an electrical system. As we go about our daily tasks, our bodies are constantly absorbing electrical energies.
The amount being absorbed has increased dramatically when you consider the amount of electrical equipment and appliances we have in our homes today. The electrical wires running throughout the ceilings and walls of our homes are constantly emitting electrical energies. Added to this are the electrical wires connected to your home from the power supply companies. The huge towers they erect to carry the overhead wires to supply electricity to their sub stations are constantly emitting electrical energies.
The human body was not designed to cope with this amount of static electricity which results in the body being overloaded with static electricity which if not discharged surely leads to illness.
Because of this electrical buildup in the body, many people experience shocks when they touch the door handle of their cars or any metal object. The reason for this is the build of static electricity in the body. The way to discharge this excess static electricity is to take your shoes off when you are at home and walk on the grass for a good 10 minutes particularly if the grass is wet.
What is actually happening when you stand on the grass with bare feet, you are earthing yourself so to speak through the energy centres in your feet.  Shoes today are made with man made fibres which do not allow the energies of mother earth to pass through them into the feet. In times past the souls of shoes were made of leather which is a natural product and allow the energies from mother earth to pass through. Going barefoot is healthier for you.

The subject of Crystals and Atlantis is a fascinating one and one which much has been written. The earliest writings from Plato and various enlightened writers down the ages including Edgar Cayce the well known “Seer” of his time are available to all via the internet.

As a modern day “Seer” Cosmo talks from the 4th dimension on Atlantis which may be of interest to newcomers on the subject of Atlantis and the importance of crystals in that civilization.

In the area of the Caribbean is the land you know of as the Bahamas which is one edge of the Continent of Atlantis which is the highest existing edge.
Some years ago in that area they discovered under the sea, rows of large rectangular flat stones placed in a perfect pattern. These stones are in fact footpaths which would give some indication of the size of the Atlantean people.  One thing that isn’t comprehended at this time is how large the people of Atlantis were which was between 10 to 12 feet tall.  Genisis 6:4 talks of there being giants in the land. 

They have also discovered an underwater structure of perfect proportions that they do not know what it purpose was. There were many such structures erected on Atlantis to house crystals for the purpose of directing the power of the sun to them. Crystals were a very important part of Atlantean life which were used for power the same way we use electricity today.  

 There will be over forthcoming times more discoveries of such wonders and people will begin to realise the truth of Atlantis.

The island of Japan which is poised upon a precipice will experience major earthquakes that will eventually lead to those islands suffering great damage and at the same time that this happens, parts of Atlantis will rise from the depths of the sea which will bring about a great change upon the earthplane both physically for the earth and spiritually for the people.