Sunday 16 September 2012

Cosmo talks from the 4th dimension on Static Electricity

As mentioned in a previous post in Wairua Rangatira the HUMAN BODY naturally contains an electrical system. As we go about our daily tasks, our bodies are constantly absorbing electrical energies.
The amount being absorbed has increased dramatically when you consider the amount of electrical equipment and appliances we have in our homes today. The electrical wires running throughout the ceilings and walls of our homes are constantly emitting electrical energies. Added to this are the electrical wires connected to your home from the power supply companies. The huge towers they erect to carry the overhead wires to supply electricity to their sub stations are constantly emitting electrical energies.
The human body was not designed to cope with this amount of static electricity which results in the body being overloaded with static electricity which if not discharged surely leads to illness.
Because of this electrical buildup in the body, many people experience shocks when they touch the door handle of their cars or any metal object. The reason for this is the build of static electricity in the body. The way to discharge this excess static electricity is to take your shoes off when you are at home and walk on the grass for a good 10 minutes particularly if the grass is wet.
What is actually happening when you stand on the grass with bare feet, you are earthing yourself so to speak through the energy centres in your feet.  Shoes today are made with man made fibres which do not allow the energies of mother earth to pass through them into the feet. In times past the souls of shoes were made of leather which is a natural product and allow the energies from mother earth to pass through. Going barefoot is healthier for you.

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